Intel新一代Xeon Phi处理器KNL技术交流


超算中心诚邀Intel实验室首席架构师Victor Lee前来科大做一次关于Intel新一代Xeon Phi处理器(KNL)的技术交流活动,欢迎感兴趣的师生准时参加!
  • 时间:本周三(11月4号)下午3:00
  • 地点:网络信息中心(东区五教东边新科研楼A座)三楼学术报告厅
  • 主讲:Victor Lee
  • 主讲简介:Victor Lee ( is a principal engineer and research scientist at Intel’s Parallel Computing Lab. His research interests include emerging applications, application analysis and auto-tuning as well as computer architecture.  He is currently working on analyzing the HW/SW interactions between HPC/Big-data applications and modern processor architecture and on developing innovative architecture features to improve application and processor (performance and energy) efficiency.  He joined Intel in 1997 and had worked on many Intel processors like Intel Itanium processors and Intel Xeon Phi processors.  He is a senior member of IEEE.  He has 30+ professional publications, 15+ granted patents and more than 30 pending patent applications worldwide.